Friday, December 5, 2008

...hate blog post...

...blow me.

You know, I've had it with people who you tried to be nice with all your life.

Hey, guess what? Go fuck yourself coz I am not even bothered.

Try be nice to you and you are now not even picking up my phone calls. So much for me trying to cover your ass when you fucked up my orders.

Try to be civilised with my "Dear.. tqvm" emails to get the order update but hey, it's more on my side doing the dirty job of telling the customers "Hey, your orders will be done late because this stupid moron did not even bother to follow up on my case?"

Try to warm it up to the bosses just to get another phonecall in the morning "Hey, where's the update that I need?" I am on paid leave, you motherfucker. And d'ohh, your manager and YOURSELF has the copy of the email sent by the customer on the UPDATE that you need.

Try to tell you that hey, the schedule is full for the installation of service and hey, can we just stick to the schedule that we have informed you. But no, you insisted that another DAY spells the doomsday of your business. I don't give one shit about your business mister. I have done my best to push the delivery date, but hell, I can't force people to change their schedule just because of you!

Try to tell you that when the fault is with the MAIN cable / fiber core servicing the AREA, I can't really push for your individual telephone lines to be up, because your fucking outlet has started operation. The main fiber core to the area do not have YOUR OUTLET name on it but everyone's name too! So can't you just WAIT?

So you see.. with all these happenings WHEN I AM ON FUCKING PAID LEAVE, please don't expect me to be civilised. And you, HUSBAND, I don't want McD for lunch! I want to have a proper meal, or don't even bother coming home for lunch when you are damn pressed for deadline. I don't give a shit. Next time, just send me off to any shopping malls and leave me there.

Fuck you.

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