Tuesday, June 3, 2008

...what you give.. you get back.. then you regift..


Slept late last night. Woke up to my mobile phone alarm, just to switch it off and slipped back under the thick, cosy comforter. Eh wait, haven't pray yet. Better pray first, then can go back to sleep. ZzzzZzZzzz..

Anyway, the reason for the candle-burning night is not as kinky as I hope it should be. Sorry to disappoint (you pervvv...). Last night, it was Audit Night. One more time!

You remember I wrote about not being an organized freak. Yep, in that sense, when it comes to work. But looking into my closet, and you will see a compulsive, obsessive freak written all over it. Even worse. My garments are arranged into types of garment; blouse to the left, baju kurung on the right. By color. Different hanger for different outfit; red for baju kurung, black for my cocktail tops and shirts, white for my casual tops.

Last night it was my kitchen cabinet's turn. You see, I have been keeping all my wedding gifts, thinking that one day, ONE day, I will be able to use them for dinner parties, or Hari Raya.. etc. Hey. That, my friends, is a BIG mistake. You will never use your wedding gifts. Because, let's be honest, those people who actually purchase it for you don't even intend to get it for themselves. Like, hell, I am not going to use this, but it's a great gift because:

1) It's practical.. (the newly-weds sure needs all these tumblers, corningware-wannabees stuff. A lot of it!)
2) It comes in a big box (hey, if I come with this big box of mug and hangers sets, they sure love it! The bigger the better!)
3) Well.. for whatever reason, I think they might need this hideous set of tea set.

I mean, yeah, the intention behind the gifts is good. But the gifts suck. Big time.

So what did I do with the gift? What else? I re-gift! But not the whole stack.. I'm not that 'keji'... Unpack it individually. Put some candies in. Wrap in wrapping plastic, put ribbon on top. Taadaaaaa!! Perfect for any parties, as doorgift, as parting gifts. I'll show you the end result tomorrow. ;-)

Now that I have more space in my kitchen cabinet, I can definitely buy that original corningware set... *wink wink*

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