Monday, June 2, 2008

...momma.. I lap you...



Today is going to be a great day...NOT!

*Groan*. I had to literally drag myself from the bed this morning. Last night was entertaining night. In-laws came for a surprise visit. 'Surprise! We brought something for you guys!' Smile... smile.. Not that I have something against visiting in-laws (as surprising as it always be), but sometimes how I wish I can spend my weekend afternoon and night alone, after all the house chores are done, watching TV.. *sigh*.. hey, at least my husband has to bear the same if MY parents come to visit...which is pretty soon.. he he...

Now, we always have this one stereotype against our in-laws. Mother-in-laws to be exact. Some people think that mom-in-laws can be quite... condescending, and experience varies from one in-law to another. Yeah I know. But surprisingly, my mom-in-law is not quite what I have expected before I got married. Well, I expect her to be... like my mom. My mom IS the typical mom-in-law. Ask any one of my bro-in-laws, even if they do not want to admit it to me, I know secretly that they harbour that same feelings.. heh.

My mom-in-law, or Ibu, never once criticize me for not able to cook for my husband, let alone cook for her family when she comes to visit (she cooked when she came over). We are more like friends, its very easy to talk to her, and she has this infectious giggle whenever she shares some amusing tales of her neighbours. And after 4 years of childless marriage, never once did she pressures me to 'go get pregnant, girl'. Not even a hint.

So when one day I decided to bring my mom-in-law back with me to Johor to visit my parents, to go 'jalan-jalan', I was taken aback with my friends' reaction to that. "What?".."Serious?" Like, it's the strangest thing in the world to do. What, people don't do that with their in-laws? What's wrong? Am I not normal..?


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