Wednesday, July 16, 2008

...little miss sunshine...


Pernah dengar movie 'Little Miss Sunshine'?

Aku tengok citer ni smalam kat HBO. Kelakar. Tapi ada satu pengajaran yang aku ambil la at the end of the story. Citer dia simple. One girl decided to join a beauty pageant, and along the way the whole family learnt a valuable lesson in life.

There is the suicidal gay uncle who could not even take his own life properly and end up being depressed. And this 'vow-of-silence-taking' brother who realized his 9 months of total solitude since not being allowed to join flying school is for nothing, when he realized he's color blind. Heh, cold hard truth...

And a porn-loving grandpa who ends up dead upon realizing his life is in shambles. A father who has his book shelved by his author because he's a nobody. A wife who teethers at the brink of divorce when she realized her husband gave her false hope for a better life.

And with all these, they rode a Volkswagen bus to California, to provide hope to a young girl who, against all odds, became the rep for Alburqueque. Specky, chubby, but brimming full of sunshine within.

So what is the lesson that I've learnt?

You know, each member of this dysfunctional family finally came to term with their failures. Nobody likes to be a loser. But hey, life goes on! As much as we don't like the fact that we failed miserably, we should not dwell on it too much. Look around and see other opportunities. Other positive things that we can work on.

Yes, I HATE my job. I HATE everything in this company. But I should move on! This is just a JOB! That BOSS is just a mere human being. This company is just the national telco that will still be there as long as there is taxpayer money paying for the operation! And where I put myself, and how I value myself is totally UP TO ME!

...oy. Now back to work...

1 comment:

Amirizzuan said...

yup, correct correct correct.